Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I'd live my life barefoot, if I could.
I'd say the exact thing I mean to say, the moment I mean to say it.
I'd hug. And then I'd hug again. Really hug.
I'd play guitar on the sidewalk while the sun made me a shadow on the pavement.
I'd sing the catalog of song filled notebooks hidden within the deep recesses of my mind, my desk, and black trunk full of past memory.
I'd condense myself into a single backpack and know better the meaning of being free.
I'd lie in a sunny patch of grass creating pictures in the clouds.
I'd do it today.
And again the next.
I'd cut my hair more than every 6 or 7 months.
I'd sing unabashedly. Anywhere. Everywhere. Whenever the mood struck.
I'd make lemonade out of lemons. Literally.
I'd read e.e. cummings every morning before getting out of bed.
I'd linger between the sheets just a few moments longer...because I love the smell of clean laundry.
I'd write more letters.
I'd keep telling you I love you even though I know you may never say it back.
I'd keep being hopeful.
I'd do it today.
And again the next.
And allow such hope to radiate as far as possible.
I'd stop making lists and live more purposely and intently in the present moment.
I'd live my life barefoot, if I could.
And I'd sit outside eating avocado toast with people I love, talking about life, laughing about the ridiculousness of our young adulthood.
I'd never let myself cease to love and live and love and live my life...
I'd also wear more plaid.


  1. Aww. Aww. Aww. Aww. etc, and then lol at the last one. :)

    (this is tom leahy, btw. hi!)

  2. Or hugging while eating avocado toast and laughing about the ridiculousness of all stages :-) of adulthood....

    Love this! and hope you and the ladies are busy making wonderful memories--but then, how could you not be?


  3. thank you for all the leahy love! i miss you guys. wonderful memories are surely being made in hawaii. :-)

    and tom, any chance i can make an appearance in the next film? i can supply any and all TJ products necessary. but really, i love your videos.

  4. This was absolutely beautiful! I just got referred to your blog by a mutual friend and I absolutely love this post!!! I can't wait to read more.

  5. Thank you, lifewithacrazypup! I'm so glad you dropped in to read and hope you continue! All the best!
