Saturday, February 13, 2010


There really was a Valentine.
A priest.
3rd Century Rome.
He was Valentine.

Emperor Claudius II believed that men without wives and families made better soldiers. Thus, he outlawed marriage in attempts of improving his soldier crop. But cue Valentine. He continued marrying couples in secret, risking his life for love.

And so begins the historic stories and legends of Valentine's Day.

3rd Century that was romance. Somewhere along the way this story got so distorted and diluted. We've actually come to believe that Valentine's Day, this celebration of one beautiful martyr from nearly a past existence, should be manifested in no other way than via Hallmark Cards and heart shaped chocolates. Somewhere along the way we came to believe that there should be this one day, filled with certain hopes and expectations, specific words and acts of romances. And we keep buying into the idea... year after year. We continue celebrating a day that has become saturated in commercial plots ultimately set on turning a profit.

And maybe we've just gotten all together consumed by it all. We've gotten lost in a world that teaches us to value material possessions and grand gestures. Maybe we keep buying cards and bouquets of flowers because we've forgotten how to actually say what we mean...what we feel. Because love- it's the most powerful, surprising, messy expression of emotion there is. It lacks all rationale and practicality. It's purely emotional. If only we could say what we really feel... if we could return to the classic romanticism of real love letters and pure acts of affection. If we could return to the authenticity of Valentine...acting based upon emotion, rather than what a large corporation or mass society dictates.

The truth is, I love Valentine's Day. Or rather, I love the idea of Valentine's Day. And I just hate how it's come to be presented and celebrated.

But what can you do...

my thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved.
I can live only wholly with you or not at all.
Be calm my life, my all.
Only by calm consideration of our existence...
can we achieve our purpose to live together.
Oh,continue to love me.
Never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours.


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